Author Archives: uwoh

ArtFordable Auction March, 04 2012

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Message to Friends of Sidharta Auctioneer

Welcome to our first ArtFordable Auction in 2012. We are featuring limited selections (70 lots) of diverse artwork by prominent as well as talented artists. From time to time we are refining our selections for ArtFordable Auction. By doing this, we want to ensure that you get good quality of affordable artwork that represents your taste and self image.

It is a special ArtFordable Auction in cooperation with The Energy Building to embrace young and professional art collectors by sharing knowledge about Indonesian paintings and artists that we all should be familiar and proud of. Indonesia has many talented artists who need to be constantly supported and promoted so that public at large understand and attain their work.

I personally believe that by being passionate for and supportive to our own talented artist, Indonesian paintings will gain not only national reputations but also international recognitions. More and more of our international clients express their enthusiasm and demand to bid artwork in our auction.

I always encourage friends, students and the young to drop by at our viewing and auction because I want them to be exposed to a wide range of Indonesian artists’ work. Each one of us may have different preference and point of view about art. The beauty of art appreciation is that there is no such thing as right or wrong. But do take your time and try to enjoy the freshness of our special collections.

Our fresh picks for this auction are Nyoman Tarka, Made Suraja, Dyan Condro, Hudy Jayanata and Andi Sulistiono. Please do check out these artists’ work. Each will complement and complete your painting collections at home.

Our commitment for ArtFordable Auction is to bring in artists who are on the rise, such as Wenas Heriyanto, Praponco Suprapto, Baybay Ricky Janitras, Hauritsa, Irwan Widjayanto and Joko Herli Wibowo. Their work has always been attracting high demand in our auctions for two years, except for Praponco Suprapto. We just introduced two of his paintings in last November auction and bidders showed great appreciations.

On the senior ones, we have Erica Hestu Wahyuni, I Nyoman Sujana Kenyem, I Wayan Wirawan, Bonny Setiawan, Iswanto, Faizin and I.B. Said. You are fortunate to be able to view their work in this auction. Pick up your favorite drink and zip it at our viewing gallery here at The Energy Building.